
Name: Lunaris Aomi
Nicknames: Luna
(Note: Please do not address me as 'Aomi'.)
Gender: Female
Age: 30 in Eorzea
Height: 152cm
Race: Au'ra - Xaela
Sexuality: Hetero Female
Personality & Preferences:
◦ Will come off as timid and shy initially, but once Lunaris gets comfortable around you, you'll see her rowdy, crass and goofy side.
◦ Compulsive gambler. You can always find her ready for a game of dice, anytime.
◦ Lunaris is very dense. Avoid beating around the bush around her, and just get straight to the point. Don't bother with hints, they'll just fly over her head
◦ Irrationally afraid of grasshoppers
◦ Her ultimate weakness is male au'ras, and masculine male vieras/miqotes are next in line. Tattoos gain extra points

The Past

The Rebellion.
What was once the Silver City now laid in ruins, bloodstained by the celestial war. Lucifer's incessant need to be Him, no, overpower Him was the cause of all this.
The Calling.
He whom we called 'Father' summoned six of my fellow siblings - Mammon, Asmodeus, Leviathan, Beelzebub, Satan and Belphegor, before him. "Azazel!" bellow the almighty voice, as I was called as the seventh. Of course I was to blame, I am the angel of sin, the receiver of all sin to be precise. The irony. I was wronged, nothing but a scapegoat in Lucifer's failure of a plan to take over the heavenly realm. Who would 'Father' believe... me, or his beloved, wise and righteous Lucifer?
The Banishment.
Us seven shouldered the blame of the celestial war, cast out of the place we once called home. Our once unmarred, white, feathery wings now fragmented, stained black with ash and shame. Now fallen angels, outcasts, left to roam the mortal realms. We had nothing left, and the only attributes that still connect us to our past, is our immortality and powers.
The Metamorphosis.
I wandered through the multiverse of mortal dimensions, settling upon the ones which the inhabitants call Eorzea. Under the soft rays of the full moon, I shed my empyral form, taking upon one with the medley of obsidian scales and a soft apricot complexion. In this diminion, I am no longer Azazel. I am Lunaris Aomi.

The Present

The origin of Lunaris' arrival in Eorzea was a whirlwind of events. The inhabitants of the lands titled her the 'Warrior of Light', a prophetical hero of sorts sent by Hydaelyn to save their land. She banded with a handful of other mortals, who name themselves as the Scions of the Seventh Dawn in their adventures across the continents. Lunaris was initially worried that they might piece two and two together, and notice that she wasn't exactly one of their kind, with her immortality. Thankfully, their belief in the prophecy blind sided them, much to her relief.However, the Eorzean currency, gil, was the main quandary for Lunaris. She soon learnt that she would need to engage in tasks and errands in exchange for said currency in order to make necessary purchases to sustain her mortal form, a concept unaccustomed to her.Lunaris' first long-term appointment outside of menial errands was that as a hostess at Crown's Bar. Patrons would come in, seeking company after a long day of adventuring, and she reveled in the concept of making friends and idle chit chat as a livelihood. Unfortunately for her (and her fellow colleagues), the owners of the bar had plans to relocate to a continent far away, as she soon found herself in pursuit of another source of income.In her ventures across the continents in search for another steady source of earnings, she came across a venue with a somewhat similar concept of what the locals called the Gold Saucer. Mortals squandering their gil, in hopes of getting a profit for their little act of risk. The atmosphere of the community reminded her of her fallen brother, Mammon, now the embodiment of Greed. Curious at how the nature of the activity the mortals call gambling occurs, Lunaris indulged in it, and regrettably, loses more than the measily bit of coin she has, and ends up paying off her debts as a laborer to the casino.Now coupled with debt, Lunaris heads out in another endeavour to make things even. Reminiscing her time with Crown's Bar, she found solace in a similar profession at Bar Sapphire.

Abilities and Mortal Form

◦ Blood magic. Lunaris learnt the mortal's form of arcane art, and decided to give it personal touch by adding the element of blood, unbeknownst to her that this was deemed as witchcraft, and stirring quite a commotion. She now only brands the said magic when necessary.
◦ Flight. Lunaris has mended her wings since her banishment, her wings are now remain stained black. She keeps them hidden, in fear of ousting herself to the mortals.
◦ Immortality, from being a celestial.
◦ Immense strength, though she tries to tone down on it so as to not give herself away.
◦ Lunaris took on the form of a female Au'ra, one from the Xaela clan.
◦ She usually dons a long, fluffy ponytail hairstyle.
◦ She has a full-sleeved oriental designed tattoo on her right arm.

Disclaimer: Lunaris' backstory is still a WIP, and will be subjected to changes.

Sfw Hosting

◦ I'm always down for casual chatting! However, I will not talk about sensitive topics such as politics, government, and religion.
◦ Light RP (GFE, romance, casual)
◦ Group RP (I can do with a group of 4 max)
◦ Games (Two truths and a lie, Truth or Dare, or anything involving dice)

Nsfw Hosting

Disclaimer: I have very strict rules, please take note of them before proceeding to make any bookings for NSFW hosting!

◦ Do take note that any NSFW hosting is purely transactional service and nothing more.
◦ I do not provide NSFW services out of venues.
◦ I am not interested in NSFW activity outside of FFXIV venues. Please do not DM me asking for personal pictures, information, or the likes of it.

◦ Straight
◦ Very strong weakness for male au'ras
◦ Gore, scat, violence is an instant no go. Please refer to my kink sheet to find out more
◦ Strictly no lalafells
◦ Strictly nothing furry-related (I'm alright with Hrothgars, but please don't venture into animal behaviorism)

Venues I Work At

◦ Bar Sapphire - N/SFW Hostess
◦ Nighthaven Club - N/SFW Hostess
◦ Club Scordia - N/SFW Hostess
◦ Club Mirage - Casino Dealer
◦ Casino MK - Assistant Manager & Dealer